Map of Early Eneolithic migrations, from the collection of Maps of prehistoric migrations.
For context and reference, please read the book on Indo-European and Uralic migrations.
Click on each file to open or download the full version.
Current version: 6.0 (March 2021)

Maps of Y-DNA, mtDNA, and ADMIXTURE
Y-DNA Data (PDF). 28 March 2020.
OpenLayers Y-DNA Map (slow to load!). 10 June 2020.
NOTE. You might need to scroll down some levels to start seeing the symbols.
mtDNA data (PDF). 28 March 2020.
OpenLayers mtDNA Map (slow to load!). 3 June 2020.
ADMIXTURE K=7 (PDF). 28 March 2020.
Image with no labels (JPG). February 2019.
Older versions
Fourth version: October 2017

Third version: September 2017

Second version: May 2017
First version: February 2017
Older Maps: 2007